
Thrives in medium to bright indirect light.


Water once every 7-10 days, ensuring soil does not dry out completely in between waterings. Expect to water less in lower light conditions.


This plant prefers higher humidity but standard household humidity will do just fine. 

Common Problems

Ensure soil is kept moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot. 


This plant can be mildly toxic if ingested. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets.

Pot sold separately. Each plant varies in height, length and size and will not look identical to the one pictured above. 

Tradescantia Fluminensis

Regular price $12.00
Unit price


Thrives in medium to bright indirect light.


Water once every 7-10 days, ensuring soil does not dry out completely in between waterings. Expect to water less in lower light conditions.


This plant prefers higher humidity but standard household humidity will do just fine. 

Common Problems

Ensure soil is kept moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot. 


This plant can be mildly toxic if ingested. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets.

Pot sold separately. Each plant varies in height, length and size and will not look identical to the one pictured above.